Lea Dives In (American Girl: Girl of the Year 2016, Book 1)

Lea Clark is ten years old and ready to explore the whole world, just like her grandmother! But first she'll start with a family trip to Brazil, where her big brother, Zac, is studying the rainforest. Lea is really excited to see the ocean and when she does, she realizes she'd rather take picture of it than swim in it. Can she overcome her fear and dive in? Then she meets a fun new friend who inspires her to embrace the thrills and beauty of Brazil. But when the fun turns to

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Release dateMarch 27th 2017
PublisherScholastic USnada Ltd
Accessibility  See information regarding the accessibility of the format EPUB

The version EPUB

The publisher provided the following information regarding the accessibility of EPUB :

  • The EPUB contains a table of contents allowing readers to navigate throughout the entire book.